Développé avec Berta.me

  1. Dub Siren Design


  2. Waraba Sound Build



  4. For The Roots Corner

  5. Bredrin Records Build

  6. Design & Development

    Here are the info you can base yourself upon if you want to build you own. It is shared "as is", so if you see a mistake or encounter a problem, you can contact me, I'll try to help.

    I do not share the full code here because it is customized for each hardware version designed for its user, and therefore I prefer to let them the exclusivity of their own sound. Bellow you can find a generic code example, that you can reuse and tune to your hardware and wishes.

    The code relies on two libraries that allow the control and the sound transmission to the WM8731 audio codec:

    -the library for setting up and using the I2S data interface with the WM8731: ArduinoDueHiFi

    -the library for setting up and using the control interface of WM8731: WM8731 Audio codec library


    Shield design for arduino DUE:



    • My code uses DDS synthesis.A fair piece of my code is based on this work
    • NOTE: This has been written a long time ago, in an arduino style (ie: 1 page). Strongly advise to use this code as an informational basis, especially regarding setup, and to start on a new code for all customizations :)
    • Code exemple